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Common causes of Pallet Racking damage

Pallet racking damage can sometimes be looked at and ignored, however, it can put people in severe danger if not inspected properly. Regular pallet racking inspections by a technically competent person are extremely important for spotting any damage to your storage system. Common causes of pallet racking damage are listed below:

  1. Damage from forklift trucks – misuse of lift equipment is the leading cause of rack system failure and collapse, this can commonly be due to a lack of driver training.
  2. Overloaded racks – loading pallet racking with a higher weight than its capacity leads to component failure and ultimately, racking collapse.
  3. Change in operation – when business requirements mandate a new operational procedure which the current system is not designed for.
  4. Mixed components from various manufacturers – there is no assurance a combination of manufacturers’ components will perform to the original system design.
  5. Incorrect use of equipment – rack systems are usually designed to be integrated with specific equipment, an equipment change can result in unforeseen misuse and rack damage.
  6. Purchasing reduced rack capacity to save money – warehouse owners and managers may understate the capacity needed in order to save costs. However this is a huge mistake which ends in higher costs as often, the racking has to be replaced.
  7. Faulty equipment – be sure you purchase any used equipment from a reputable seller.

Racking Inspections

Did you know that annual pallet racking inspections are a legal obligation? Furthermore, Insurers are increasingly asking for proof of racking inspections to alleviate their risk. Pallet racking damage for most people may not be easy to spot, however, CAM can help, our racking inspectors can ensure not only that your workplace is safe, but that it complies with legal obligations and may also help reduce your insurance premiums.

Major Pallet racking collapse happens every week in the UK, however, our expert racking inspections can deliver you peace of mind that your working environment will be safe from any collapse.

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